hana ... <3

any prns 17 (‘06) SEAsian muslim
LGBTQ agender (gendered terms are fine)
priv is @meowfuyu and REQ 🆗!

yesyesyes my cats & friends, ATLA TLOK TROK universe, watching sports (mainly football, figure skating and volleyball), xdinary heroes, spiderverse, animanga (esp HAIKYUU.), proseka, bandori, the magnus archives, AiB

my party people xdinary heroes jiseok, ot6 figure skating kanto boys (yuma kao shun), young, kaori, mai, haein, yuzu, jun vball takahashi ran, miyaura kento, ishikawa yuki, RJN football AFC + jude bellingham & jamal musiala!

BYF ARSENAL 4LIFE COYG, ult group is xdinary heroes, not specific to any subtwt i tweet about ANYTHING truly, rarely put TWs, but if you need any, let me know!

DNI i block liberally but dni if u fit basic DNI criteria, -15 or no age anywhere, ZIONIST, proshipper, actively engage in discourse or fan wars, EDtwt, idk don’t be weird 🤷
